
NOTE: This is an edited version of the official README. See the revision history below for a list of changes.


 maketad is a tool for generating TAD files (.tad) from the specified SRL file. TAD files are used to import applications into the system memory.

TAD files that are created with this tool can only be imported into TWL development kits. maketad cannot be used to create TAD files that run on retail TWL hardware.


Standard maketad application. These create TAD files to be imported to development hardware through TwlNmenu. Output TADs will be encrypted with the Wii debug key (A1604A6A7123B529AE8BEC32C816FCAA).

Updater maketad application. These create the TAD files used in Twl SystemUpdater. Output TADs are specially encrypted with the debugger common key (A2FDDDF2E423574AE7ED8657B5AB19D3) and so they will not work on development units.

Dependencies for maketad.

Additional tools for decrypting TADs. These are not required, but are highly recommended.

Using the Tool

Start Command

% maketad [OPTION]... SRLFILE [-o outputFile]

SRLFILE is the ROM file to import into NAND Flash. Specify an .srl file.

Use the -n option to output an SRL with an encapsulated TAD file rather than just a TAD file. Once the DS card to which this SRL has been written is inserted in the DS card slot of the TWL unit, you can import from the encapsulated TAD file by starting the TwlNmenu imported into system save memory.

With the -o option, the file name of the output file can be designated. If nothing is specified and the -n option is not specified, the title name saved in the SRL file with a TAD extension is created. If the -n option is specified, the title name saved in the SRL file with a TAD.SRL extension is created.

The -s option allows outputting a TAD with a reserved gamecode (eg. system titles). This feature is unlisted from the help menu.

The -h option displays simple instructions.

Return Values

Returns 0 when execution completes normally.
The following are possible reasons for the function to fail.

Revision History

2023/12/22 Added debugger common key for maketad_updater and linked to script for TAD decryption.
2023/11/24 Added download links, changed dependancy information, and listed maketad_updater + split_tad_console.
2023/11/21 Added the -s option
2009/11/10 Added Return Values.
2008/10/16 Added the -n option. Added information about openssl.
2008/09/16 Added information about ROM operations on development hardware/mass production hardware.
2008/04/25 Standardized terminology related to the NAND application version.
2008/03/19 Made descriptions compliant with the terminology.
2007/12/07 Initial version.